Two more nuclear facilities are introducing the RIPE OT Security and Robustness Program to address cyber security in a sustainable and measurable manner, and to comply with tightened regulation at the same time.
Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant
The Olkiluoto nuclear power plant, operated by TVO, consists of three units. Unit 1 and 2 produce 860 MW power each and are operational since 1979 and 1982. Unit 3 is in the construction phase and is scheduled to go on the grid in 2018, delivering additional 1600 MW electrical power.
Since the Loviisa nuclear power plant, operated by Fortum, is already covered under RIPE, the recent deal means that the whole nuclear power production of one country (Finland) is now protected against cyber threats by The Langner Group’s RIPE program.
Posiva Spent Fuel Storage Facility
The other facility now covered by RIPE is the Finnish spent fuel storage, operated by Posiva. We believe this development is particularly important because Finland is one of the first countries to extend cyber security regulation to the fuel cycle, thereby underlining its globally leading position in nuclear cyber security.