Hardly is there any place where cyber security matters more than in nuclear power plants. That’s why regulators around the world demand that operators of nuke plants demonstrate that their control and safety systems show high assurance against cyber attacks. In the United States, such regulation is distilled in a brief one-and-a-half page document.
In a new whitepaper titled A Cost-Efficient Approach to High Cyber Security Assurance in Nuclear Power Plants, The Langner Group’s Perry Pederson explains the NRC’s cyber regulation and discusses how it is implemented in NRC’s own Regulatory Guide 5.71 and in the Nuclear Energy Institute’s NEI 08-09 guideline. It is convincingly demonstrated that the RIPE Cyber Security Framework not only meets NRC’s criteria for high cyber security assurance, but also does so arguably more cost-efficiently than the official cyber security programs published by NRC and the industry.
If you want to learn more about The Langner Group’s cyber defense strategy and packaged service offerings for the nuclear industry, ask for our nuclear solution portfolio by email or phone.